Accounting Blog:
Money & Finance Tips

All businesses work in a system that is constantly changing. Trillium will teach you how to navigate these changes and make your financial decisions a lot easier!


What Is Accounts Payable?

Managing finances is an essential part of running a business, and understanding different accounting terms is crucial. One of the most critical aspects of accounting ...
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Bookkeepers vs Accountants

Are you confused about when to hire a bookkeeper and when to hire an accountant? It's a common dilemma faced by entrepreneurs, as the roles ...
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small business cash flow management

5 Ways a Bookkeeper Can Save You Money

Are you looking for ways to stretch your business’s funds even further? With the day-to-day operations and finances of a company, it can be hard ...
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6 Common Accounting Terms Explained

A business owner or individual needs to understand common accounting terms that are used in their finances and taxes, even when hiring an outsourced bookkeeper. ...
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tax write-offs in canada

Things you should know about tax write-offs in Canada

As a business owner, you may look for ways to save money and reduce your taxes. One way to do this is by taking advantage ...
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trillium cra my account

What is The CRA My Account and How Do I Register for It?

If you're a Canadian taxpayer, then you need to know about the CRA My Account. This is an online account that allows you to manage ...
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trillium tax accountant

Reasons To Hire A Tax Accountant For My Business

If you're like most business owners, you're probably wondering whether or not you should hire a tax accountant when filing your taxes. There are many ...
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5 Accounting Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Do you have questions about accounting? You're not alone. Many people find accounting to be complex, especially when it comes to the tax code. In ...
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The Advantages of Incorporating as a Sole Proprietor

There are many reasons why a sole proprietor might want to consider incorporating. One of the biggest benefits is that it can help protect your ...
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